It would seem that this cannot be. Russia, on the contrary, should be among the unconditional leaders. Well, indeed, from the TV screens we only hear about how successfully the vaccination against COVID-19 is going on in our country, how Sputnik-V is making more and more successes on the world stage.
How true is this impression? Let's see what Russia looks like today in terms of vaccination rates in comparison with other countries. In the end, it is important not how much vaccine was produced, or where and in what quantity it was delivered, but what percentage of the population in Russia has already been vaccinated.
We will use data from Johns Hopkins University, which provides the most complete relevant information. It is important that the official Russian government portal StopCoronavirus.RF in terms of world statistics refers specifically to Johns Hopkins University. This means that the government believes that the University's data are reliable. It is clear that these data are constantly being updated, and today they may be slightly different from the figures that will be named below. So, as of February 24, 2021, 216.2 million doses of the vaccine were used in the world. Fully vaccinated 43.6 million people, which is 0.57% of the world's population.
For a comparative analysis across countries, we will just use the indicator - the proportion of fully vaccinated people. The undisputed leader in this regard in the world today is Israel, where 35.41% of the country's population is vaccinated. Other countries are far ahead, with the exception of the UAE (22.71%) and the Seychelles (22.32%). Basically, the percentage of fully vaccinated are still single-digit numbers (without ranking): USA (6.07%), Sweden (2.13%), Malta (4.37), Romania (3.08%), Spain (2 , 58%), Serbia (2.60%), Lithuania (2.50%), Germany (2.23%), Denmark (3.04%), Belgium (2.38%), etc.
Well, what about Russia? And in Russia, such an indicator - 1.17% (1.7 million people) of the population is fully vaccinated, which puts us in 35th place in the world in terms of vaccination rates. Even if this is not the very latest data provided by the University, their actualization is unlikely to fundamentally change anything yet.
What's going on? Like this? The first in the world to register a vaccine (Sputnik-V); the only country that already has three vaccines (plus EpiVacCorona and KoviVak) - this was recently noted by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin; vaccination has been going on for a relatively long time, and such results.
At a meeting in the government on vaccines on February 20, 2021, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said that 11.1 million doses had already been produced in Russia, and the number of vaccination points was 4129.
And in Russia, it turns out, "a mathematical model of achieving collective immunity has been worked out and recommended for use already in industrial operation." Wonderful! Why is Russia in the fourth ten countries in the world in terms of vaccination rates?
By the way, can you get acquainted with the mathematical model? Moreover, on the basis of it, as Tatiana Golikova said at the mentioned meeting, "the parameters of the distribution of vaccines in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" are planned.
In general, the situation is as follows. Our scientists have made, it seems, good vaccines. Praise and gratitude to them. But in terms of the rate of vaccination, Russia today is clearly lagging behind many countries. For a country that itself made vaccines and established their production, the current rate of vaccination can be considered unsatisfactory.