Exploitation, development and infrastructure development of continental shelf fields: Strategic planning. Technical and economic estimation.
Project Management. Contract strategy. Planning of fields development and infrastructure development. Marketing strategy. Logistics concept.
Preparation of tenders on fields engineering design, exploration, development and infrastructure development on condition of PM/EPC/EPCM/IPM.
The method of extraction – offshore drilling platforms and onshore drilling units. Exporting possibilities.
Transport: Pipeline technical condition assessment. Statutory documentation review. Transport system concept designing. Cost evaluation and construction planning. Safety measures and labor protection issues. Projecting, construction, material and technical provision activity schedule development.
Oil Refining: Project concept development including operational flowchart for oil-refining facility. Economic hypothesis settlement, performance specification for feasibility study working out. Project feasibility study preparation. Project preliminary investigations conduction and activity planning. Preparation of tender for oil-refining facility design,construction/reconstruction; development of tender documents for supply of works, equipment and materials conforming to those required by oil-refining facility activity plan.
Gas Refining: Project concept development including operational flowchart for gas-refining facility. GTL technologies - capabilities and limitations.
Economic hypothesis settlement, performance specification for feasibility study/ FEED/Pre-FEED working out. Performance of Project Technical and economic calculations. Preparation of tender for gas-refining facility design; development of tender documents for supply of works, services, equipment and materials conforming to those required by gas-refining facility activity plan.
Equipment: Analysis of enterprise demands applying to various equipment types. Working out of recommendations concerning priorities, considering financial capabilities and price/ quality balance. Preparation of enterprise technique concepts. Detailed technical specifications definition – not restricting to certain list of manufacturers. Recommendations on equipment and materials provision with consideration of each oil well peculiarities. Assistance in effective equipment operation and maintenance system implementation.
Jural support: Review of legal statements and acts referring to Oil & Gas industry taxation on the continental shelf, including Product Division Agreement (PDA). Review of international experience in oil industry tax regime registration including the regime based on such PDA.
Import substitution and economic sanctions: Evaluation of EU and USA economic sanctions impact at different implementation stages of fields’ exploration, development and infrastructure development projects. Evaluation of Russian enterprises’ capabilities of import substitution at different project implementation stages.
Product competitive power improvement: Product certification and licensing preparation in compliance with internationally acknowledged standards (ISO, API, ASME, ASTM, ANSI etc.). Provision of information on international certification and standardization systems; assistance in transfers and applications legalization. Recommendations on metrological equipment introduction; technical audit organization and international quality control systems implementation.
Effective marketing policy development: Recommendations on competitiveness improvement and marketing plans development. Preparation of reviews on analogous types of production that include worthiness and technical parameters. Working out of recommendations on product export promotion. Personnel training covering marketing issues, assistance in joint enterprise origination.
Survey: Existing civil and industrial buildings and constructions state survey. Preparation of survey reports, construction passports completion.
Feasibility studies: Development of feasibility studies for civil and industrial constructions rehabilitation including existing state assessment, wear indices for detached elements and objects on the whole, definition of activity nomenclature, rehabilitation activity costs determination, review of possible object rehabilitation strategies, estimation of economic efficiency indices for construction rehabilitation.
Design: New objects design, design development for existing buildings and facilities rehabilitation and reconstruction. Provision of technical and field supervision over construction activities. Infrastructure objects inspection. Contractor design of various-purpose complexes including infrastructure objects (industrial complexes, integrated residential site development etc.)
Standardized construction: Organization of supply and construction of standardized objects (breweries, dairy complexes, bakeries etc.), modular construction.
Construction supervision: Financial supervision as Bank’s representative at the construction site; supervision over rehabilitation of buildings, industrial objects, roads and transport facilities. Development of construction and equipment maintaining schedules. Asset consumption and time constraints adherence monitoring. Control over workmanship, materials quality, project solutions abidance, construction regulations and rules compliance. Participation in handover and works acceptance procedures.
Energy planning: Planning of energy supplying systems including fuel supply, heat supply and gas supply. Effective energy consumption and management.
Energy distribution: Planning and design of new and reconstruction of existing heat and electric energy distribution systems including heat supply (steam and hot water) and electric energy (transmitting and distributing lines).
Current state survey: Operational effectiveness assessment that include: energy audit, technical state assessment, equipment wear-out, systems and components related to energy processing. Residual working life evaluation.
Environmental impact assessment: Fundamental analysis of environmental impact concerned with existing and planned facilities; includes execution of necessary researches and measurements.
Environmental impact mitigation: Planning and development of effective approaches and measures aimed at environmental impact mitigation.
Legal matters, licensing and monitoring: Assistance in proper legal base development, environmental licensing and environmental impact monitoring systems implementation.