
Within the past 28 years of Company operation we formulated two basic principles that are followed undeviatingly. These are:
All our Customers are equally IMPORTANT and VALUABLE to us. We are working with large-scale transnational corporations and with minor enterprises. At that, we are willing to propose an individual approach that presumes consideration of our Customers' business specificity.
We take exceptionally the measures that our Customers have need for.

Pre-investment researches. Business-plan development, feasibility study and detailed elaboration; development of security packages and credit agreements. Determination of first priority project activities and critical milestones. Preparation of organizational structure and key personnel arrangements assigned for implementation agencies. Tender-based personnel selection, personnel training. Establishment of planning and reporting systems complying with requirements of international development banks and agencies (IBRD, EBRD, EXIM Bank of USA, EXIM Bank of Japan etc.). Control over multi-component projects with wide geographical implementation.
Comprehensive approach to Project Implementation Group (PIU) institution and formation; creation of organizational structure, personnel selection and training.
Procurement management, planning and reporting systems complying with requirements of international development banks and agencies (IBRD, EBRD, EXIM Bank of USA, EXIM Bank of Japan etc.)
Preparation of tender documentation for goods and services procurement (international and national competitive bidding, local procurement). Preparation of consultancy services procurement invitations complying to World Bank procedures and requirements.
Development of Procurement Plans and detailed Project Implementation Schedules.
Technical and commercial proposal assessment.
Assistance in contract preparation and negotiations. Active contracts implementation monitoring.
Procurement of goods for governmental needs according to Russian legislation requirements.
Contractor work procurement complying to Gosstroy of Russia requirements.

Project risk management program development. Elements and factors of risk identification and assessment; qualitative and quantitative approaches to risk management. Establishment and profitability evaluation of risk management program. Statistical analyses, ranging investment projects on risk probability analysis and investment profitability basis. Risk assessment for international investment project and risk response strategies: development and control. Risk mitigation techniques, probability and impact minimization. Risk mitigation techniques and measures evaluation. Development of business-plans for industrial, trade and construction investment projects.
Expert assessment of risks and elaboration of recommendations for their minimization.
Substantiation of project risk bonuses and risk-corrected discount rate calculation.
Scenario analysis of primary project activities sensibility to external environment factors.

Elaboration of long-term development strategies, current organizational structure effectiveness improvement, formulation and development of concept and program for best possible reorganization way. Study, development and introduction of new structures, legislation documentation preparation, preparation of company policy codes and terms of references (TOR) for personnel. Business diagnostics of company management system.
Strategic planning of company activities.
Business-plan development
Company's organizational structure improvement and development of regulations referring to its structural divisions.
Financial structure development and financial structure regulations setting.
Budgeting system development and company budgeting regulations work out.
Analysis and development of recommendations concerning managerial procedures and overall managerial system improvement.
Assistance in corporate bodies creation, reorganization and liquidation.
Legal expertise and coercion of constituent documentation to existing requirements.
Personnel management.

Personnel demand evaluation:
Revelation of positions that require high-qualified personnel and delineation of primary qualification requirements.
Personnel selection:
Testing and interviewing of planned candidates aimed at optimal candidatures provision.
Training requirements assessment:
Definition of training scope and amount of human resources needed for project objectives implementation.
Training strategy and programs:
Development of training strategy and training programs including production of training manuals allowing for customers' particular frameworks.
Training realization:
Management and organization of training programs at the site or at Company's office. Provision of instructors/ lecturers.

Development of business plan/ PRE-FEED/FEED. Preparation of document package for investment decision in
accordance with the requirements of the shareholder/ the investor. Preparation of a detailed Project implementation
schedule. Development of Contract strategy with application of the contracting modern technologies (PM, EPC,
EPCM, IPM). Monitoring the contractual obligations’ performance. Development of Project management system, preparation of regulatory documents, standards, procedures,
instructions. Performing Project implementation group’s functions/ formation of Project implementation group at
the Stage of Project implementation. Implementing the modern concept of project cooperation organization –
development of Project portals.

Preparation of bidding documents for procurement goods, works and services. Procurement goods for State utilization and under the World Bank project in accordance with FIDIC, IADC, IPA, ASME standards. Development of procurement plan and project implementation schedule. Technical and commercial assessment of proposals received. Contract package preparation and assistance in negotiations with the winner company. Signed contracts monitoring and administration. Development of Procurement Plans and detailed Project Implementation Schedules.
Preparation and publication of procurement announcements.
Marketing research of potential bidders. Closed tender "shortlist" and "lengthy-list" of participants formation.
Preparation of tender documentation packages for equipment/ goods or services procurement (open international and national tenders, local procurement).
Preparation of Inquiry-Proposal/ Letter of Invitation for consulting services procurement.
Tender organization and realization according to EBRD and IBRD rules and procedures.
Competition (Tender) process realization.
Technical and financial proposal assessment.
Design and co-ordination of assessment reports including recommendations concerning contract conferring.
Assistance in contract preparation and negotiations.
Active contracts implementation monitoring.
Procurement of goods for governmental needs according to Russian legislation requirements.
Contractor work procurement complying to Gosstroy of Russia requirements.

Strategic analysis and activity planning, development conception working out, management system improvement, business restructuring, material and technical security optimization. Developing logistics strategy and international/ domestic delivery logistics plans, marketing and consulting in manpower resources development sphere. Financial status and conditions analysis, expenditure management systems development, budgeting systems development, investment management and investment planning. Analysis and development of recommendations concerning managerial procedures and overall management systems improvement.
Financial consulting
Informational consulting
Education consulting
Personnel management

Estimation of value of real estate, land property, machinery, equipment, intellectual property and enterprise assets; estimation of value of financial and industrial Groups and Banks, stock value estimation. Gathering sufficient information for inside-outside and outside-inside approaches. Valuation of enterprise reorganization project, formulation and development of concepts for financial rehabilitation. The Company is certified to perform valuing activities. Centre for Implementation of International Investment Projects provides property valuation services. Personnel professionalism is acknowledged by State-standard certificate of retraining in operating business valuation.
Personal liability of independent valuer (Centre for Implementation of International Investment Projects) is insured for the sum of 1,5 mln. RUR by InformStrakh Ltd. Valuation License was issued by Ministry of Property Affairs of Russian Federation (#005767, valid till 21 Jan 2008); it renders to provide valuation services in the spheres as follows:

The Company estimates the value of:
Managing subject business with the whole of rights and liabilities;
Business shares (capital share in an organizations or partnership);
Security packages emitted by joint-stock companies;
Enterprise as a property complex (economic enterprise);
Managing subject's assets forming enterprise as a property complex.
Business valuation includes profound financial, organizational and technological analyses of current operation and perspectives. Valuation is performed with the use of different calculation methods, that allows obtaining ultimately precise results.
Business valuation is normally carried out for the following purposes:
For purchase or sale of the whole enterprise or its share, or on shareholders leaving;
For managerial needs with a view of future development tendencies and business profitability prognoses; these enable more effective enterprise management planning and easier prospective development definition;
Enterprise assets valuation aimed at creditworthiness ascertainment and pawning value determination;
For restructuring of an operating enterprise, including stock cost determination needed for stock purchase/ redemption/ conversion;
For investment projects feasibility studies;
For stock emission.

The Company provides following types of immovable property valuation services:
Commercial immovable property;
Residential immovable property;
Industrial immovable property;
Special purpose immovable property objects;
Other types of property legally ascribed to immovable property.
Personnel qualification (a number of experts have higher construction education and academic degrees) enables undertime and highly professional project implementation as valuation objects' peculiarities are being considered.
The Company exercises steady monitoring of immovable property market and keeps market bargain records and archives.
Immovable property valuation is normally conducted for:
Purchase and sale;
Financial accounting preparation;
Credit pawning security value determination;
Inclusion of immovable property to chartered capital;
Prominent bargains;
Company restructuring or reclamation;
Legal proceeding; bankruptcy, property deprivation etc.

The Company possesses an extensive updatable database equipment nomenclature, training, reference, scientific, fundamental and periodical literature, price catalogues etc.
Subject to valuation purposes, different values of machinery and equipment can be estimated:
Market value;
Reparation of damages value;
Salvage value;
Reclaiming value;
Pawning value;
Taxation purpose value.
It is possible to valuate equipment pool as aggregate, as separate processing lines, apparatuses and other equipment groups.

Non-material assets valuation includes intellectual activity results right property estimation as well as estimation of benefits and liabilities of active goods and services procurement and delivery contracts, proposed ability of existing licenses, permissions and certificates renewal, business reputation, and valuation of right-owner's damage caused by intellectual activity rights infringement.
The Company valuates the following types of non-material assets:
Industrial property objects;
Trademarks and service marks;
Property rights use liabilities and related non-property rights;
Damages related to commercial or official information disclosure;
Damages of unconscionable competition;
Rights related to figurants performance activities, sound recording, radio and television broadcasts etc.