
Legislation in Fuel-Energy and Mineral-Raw Materials Sectors Development Project
Appraisal of existing legislation and preparation comments aimed at strengthening of the taxation system in the Mineral-Raw Materials Sector including introduction of Production Sharing Agreement for Russian practice.
Services: Assistance in preparation the Project Implementation Schedule with critical milestones; coordination work activities with the World Bank and assistance in preparation all reports required under the Project; monitoring progress of implementation and updating the Project Schedule;- preparation financial documents and observation the project budget;- assistance on personnel strength, training on World Bank procurement and disbursement procedures.
Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia, IBRD,
1998-1999 Russia

Highway Rehabilitation and Maintenance, and Bridge Rehabilitation Projects, financed from the World Bank Loans
Provision of consulting services to FHA of the Russian Federation on Highway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project (HRMP-1) management, Bridge Rehabilitation Project (BRM).
Services: project implementation progress analysis and cooperation strategy development between FHA, Highway directorates, Ministry of Finance of the RF, World Bank and commercial banks; consulting FHA personnel on planning and procurement management in accordance with rules and procedures of the World Bank; assistance in organization and conduction of international competitive bidding procedures including proposals evaluation, approval, contract negotiations and loan funds disbursement.
Boards of directors of Federal Road Service Dorinvest, IBRD,
1999 Russia

Bridge Rehabilitation Project, financed from the World Bank Loan
Provision of consulting services for Moscow City Government for implementation of Moscow Project Component.
Services: assistance in implementation of "pilot" sub-projects, Project preparation and "launching" activities; procurement of goods and works through international competitive bidding procedure, technical proposals evaluation and priced bids comparison with report preparation, getting approval; provision of assistance in contract negotiations and disbursement of loan funds; establishment of Monitoring Progress and Project Implementation Coordination system.
Moscow Project implementation group, IBRD,
1996-1998 Russia

Highway Rehabilitation and Maintenance, and Bridge Rehabilitation Projects, financed from the World Bank Loans
Provision of consulting services to FHA of the Russian Federation on Highway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project. Project preparation and launching of activities for HRMP-2.
Services: project implementation progress analysis and cooperation strategy development between FHA, Highway directorates, Ministry of Finance of the RF, World Bank and commercial banks; consulting FHA personnel on planning and procurement management in accordance with rules and procedures of the World Bank; assistance in organization and conduction of international competitive bidding procedures including proposals evaluation, approval, contract negotiations and loan funds disbursement.
Boards of directors of Federal Road Service Dorinvest, IBRD,
2000 Russia

The State Statistics System Development Project, financed from the World Bank Loan
Project preparation and launching activities, conducting procurement management.
Services: preparation of the Project Implementation Schedule with critical milestones. Assistance in project start-up; assistance in competitive bidding procedures preparation and conducting for goods procurement, works and services including preparation of tender documentation; technical proposals evaluation and priced bids comparison including report preparation, approval and negotiations with suppliers; establishment of internal and external reporting system on procurement issues; development of Operation Manual, assistance on personnel training on procurement and contract administration.
The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Foundation, IBRD,
1999-2000 Russia

First Transport Project
Conduction of concept study for a bus priority corridor In Moscow in frameworks First World Bank Transport Project.
Services: Selection of transport corridor for public transport priority provision, assessment and analysis of overall transport system of Moscow, development of priority measures on the basis of international experience of similar project implementation, selection and adaptation of possible solutions for the selected transport corridor in Moscow, working out new solutions for implementation at the selected corridor, detailed elaboration of all existing corridor sections, transport junctions and road constructions / facilities on the corridor and optimization of proposed transport schemes, conduction of Seminar-Workshop for all interested traffic services, organizations and institutes of Moscow, coordination of work progress with the Technical Committee consisting of representatives of Moscow transport organizations, institutes and services, and with World Bank specialists, preparation of a final set of measures and approval of proposed measures by the project Technical Committee, preparation of Terms of Reference for Feasibility Study and Final Design.
Moscow Department for Economic Policy and Development,
2005 Russia

Project for Preparation of Loan Applications for Part B of Sustainable Forest Management Project
Preparation of Loan Application for industrial enterprises working in forest industrial sector within the frameworks of Part B of IBRD Sustainable Forest Management Project, ROSEXIM Bank. This project included assistance in preparation of two Applications for "Kirovlesprom" JSC (Novovyatskii Ski Industrial Complex) and "Sredneamgunsk Industrial Forestry" JSC. Aggregate loan sum was 6.5 mln USD.
Services: Project analysis including financial analysis of the Project, borrower's financial statements analysis, environmental impact assessment, procurement practice analysis and credit securities analysis. Preparation of Applications in compliance with FER and ROSEXIM Bank requirements. Applications maintenance during consideration period in ROSEXIM Bank and IBRD: inclusion of corrections and changes to the Project in compliance with FER and ROSEXIM Bank recommendations and remarks, collection and compilation of additional materials in accordance with FER and ROSEXIM special requests, participation in negotiations on behalf of FER and ROSEXIM Bank.
The Non-commercial Foundation for Enterprise Restructuring and Financial Institutions Development, IBRD,
2005-2006 Russia

Preparation of IBRD multi-component loan application in frameworks of "Second Transport Infrastructure Development Project" for the sum of 150 mln. USD.
Services: Project analysis including financial analysis of the Project, borrower's financial statements analysis, socio-economic analysis, technical and infrastructural analysis, environmental impact assessment, procurement practice analysis and credit securities analysis. 2) Preparation of multi-component Application in compliance with Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Economic Development and Trade prescriptions for further inclusion to State external borrowing program. Applications maintenance during consideration period in Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.
Moscow City Government, IBRD,
2005-2006 Russia

Financial Education and Financial Literacy in Russian Federation, financed from IBRD Loan
Preparation of main documentation for preparation of Project (CMDP/Oper/CQS/1)
Preparation of main documentation for «Fiscal and Financial Development in Russian Federation» Project; Preparation of draft normative legal documents concerning the state management procedure, financial management and control, state procurement; Work with financial, social, economical and normative legal information in data base system; Providing of consulting services to government authorities concerning public financing and increasing effectiveness of budget expenses.
The Non-commercial Foundation for Enterprise Restructuring and Financial Institutions Development, IBRD,
2010 Russia

Fiscal and Financial Development in Russian Federation, financed from IBRD Loan
Contract FEFL/CQS-2.11 Preparation of main documentation for Loan Launching and Implementation
Preparation of main documentation for «Fiscal and Financial Development in Russian Federation» Project; Preparation of draft normative legal documents concerning the state management procedure, financial management and control, state procurement; Work with financial, social, economical and normative legal information in data base system; Providing of consulting services to government authorities concerning public financing and increasing effectiveness of budget expenses.
The Non-commercial Foundation for Enterprise Restructuring and Financial Institutions Development, IBRD
2011-2012 Russia

Public Finance Management Technical Assistance in Russian Federation, financed from IBRD Loan
Studying of international practice of IFO projects management through the example of the projects financed by International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and analysis of principles and strategies used for evaluation of project management costs (including competitive and normative variants).Comparative analysis of lending conditions and financing costs in the projects financed by international financial organisations (IFOs) in the BRICS countries. Development of recommendations on selection of acceptable lending conditions and financing costs in the projects financed by IBRD within the framework of flexible loan. Development of recommendations on improvement of expenses planning for management of IFO projects in the Russian Federation within the framework of the transition to program budgeting while federal budgeting for 2016 and the planning period of 2017-2018. Development of recommendations on optimization of approaches for determination of salaries of PIU managers and employees in Russian Federation.
The Non-commercial Foundation for Enterprise Restructuring and Financial Institutions Development, IBRD
2015 Russia**

Definition of the Silurian-Devonian deposits development concept in the Prirazlomnoye field (within the framework of civil law contracts with key employees)
Development of requirements for stationary and mobile drilling complexes based on the well design. Analysis of modular and land drilling rigs available on the market, selection of optimal drilling rigs. Assessment of the configuration and weight and size characteristics of stationary and mobile drilling complexes. Assessment of the cost of drilling Silurian-Devonian deposits wells in the Prirazlomnoye field using mobile and stationary drilling complexes.
Morneftegazproject LLC (Gazprom Neft Shelf LLC),
2020 Russia

Assessment of opportunities and limitations for exploration drilling in the Yuzhno-Obskiy license area and in other areas of the of the Obsko-Tazovskaya bay shallow water zone
Analysis of the world experience of drilling in shallow water using stationary and mobile solutions (artificial islands, jack-up rigs, technical and jack-up pontoons, swamp and tender barges, mobile caissons). Analysis of stationary and mobile solutions applicability for exploration drilling in the Yuzhno-Obskiy license area. Elaboration of scenarios for exploration drilling in the Yuzhno-Obskiy license area using stationary and mobile solutions at a depth of 2.5-8 meters. Feasibility study of exploration drilling scenarios in the Yuzhno-Obskiy license area using stationary and mobile solutions, incl. elaboration of logistic schemes, composition and rental rates of the supply fleet, development of exploration drilling schedules, risk assessment, development of a calculation model and calculation of capital costs for the implementation of the exploration drilling project. Technical and economic comparison of technical solutions and scenarios for the production and development of the license areas and fields of the Obsko-Tazovskaya Bay, incl. assistance in the development of a parametric model and calculation of capital costs for the implementation of the exploration drilling project.
Morneftegazproject LLC (Gazprom Neft Shelf LLC),
2019-2020 Russia

Increasing the cost estimation accuracy of the North-Veni gas condensate field development up to class 2 AACEI and development of the technical sections for EPC contract tender documents
Preparation of requests for quotation and receipt of commercial offers for oilfield services and equipment required for the ERD wells construction in the North-Veni gas condensate field. Increasing the cost estimation accuracy of the North-Veni gas condensate field development up to 2d-3d AACEI class. Updating of the 2d-3d AACEI class cost estimate. Analysis of approaches and principles for expert analysis of prices declared by the RFQ procedure participants and recommended in evaluation reports. Cost estimation within the 2d AACEI class. Development of structure and content of the technical sections for EPC contract tender documents.
Venineft LLC,
2017-2018 Russia

Development of Implementation Strategy for North-Veni GCF development Project, of consolidated reporting forms and updating of the previously developed functional strategies
Analysis of the documents on Project Management for the “Infrastructure development” component (Feasibility Study, Pilot Work, Basis for Design, etc.) and the “Development” component (Technical Development Scheme, Drilling Program, Well Completion Program, etc.), shareholders' local normative document, including Sinopec DMS system and the best international practices in managing investment projects. Development of the «Project Implementation Strategy», «Project Implementation Status», «Project target schedule» and a package of reporting forms for the Project Participants on the progress of the Project and its individual components that meet the principles of "Report on one page". Updating the previously developed functional strategies ("Contract Strategy”, "Organizational Strategy", “Procurement Strategy”). Development of the "Communication and information exchange management plan for the Project" and "Key project risk register and measures of risk reduction”. Development of a conceptual Plan for the Implementation of the "Development" stage. Elaboration of the detailed Project Management Scheme, preparation of the Project Implementation Unit Structure draft of the “Elaboration” stage.
Venineft LLC,
2017 Russia

Organization and carrying out of international Tender on selection of an engineering Company for developing of FEED and Design documents on infrastructure development of North-Veni gas-condensate field (GCF)
Preparatory works (analysis and systematization of the customer’s primary data and materials, development of a concept of carrying out of Tender, Preparation of a detailed schedule of Tender carrying out, investigation of engineering companies’ market, development of requirements to the composition and content of the Tender documents package, preparation of a “long” list, preparation of a documents package for an expression of interest Request, bringing the developed expression of interest Request in accord with the customer). Preparation of a “short” list, Terms of reference and the full package of tender documentation on development of FEED and design documents. Carrying out of tender procedures. Receiving of tenders and preparation of evaluation report. Development of efficient contract management scheme jointly with Engineering company. Technical and organizational assistance in registering international Tender results, formalizing relations with the contractor and developing concept of IT-component.
Venineft LLC,
2015-2016 Russia

Working out of main provisions of the Gazpromneft-Sakhalin LLC development strategy
Shaping of main goals and tasks of Gazprom-Sakhalin LLC development strategy. Overview of the current Gazpromnef-Sakhalin LLC activity on the shelf. Analysis of the external and internal constraints that influence Gazpromneft-Sakhalin LLC activity. Analysis of its competitive advantages in offshore projects implementation. Making up recommendations in compliance with the conducted analysis. Preparation of proposals on the main directions of Gazpromneft-Sakhalin LLC development strategy. Forming up of report «Main provisions of Gazpromneft-Sakhalin development strategy».
Gazpromneft-Sakhalin LLC,
2015-2016 Russia

Preparation and holding of activities related to selection Drilling Contractor for construction of 3-4 ERD wells with an expansion to 12000 -13000 meters with a view to develop offshore gas condensate field, “Sakhalin-3” project (Veninsky block).
Marketing researches of drilling units, drilling contractor companies, leasing companies, integrator companies, service companies. Preparation and getting approval of Request for expression of interest (RFEOI), organization and carrying out of Prequalification. Preparation and getting approval of Organizational Development Concept. Preparation of a Concept and Technical Assignment for arrangement and further holding of international tender for drilling contractor selection.
Development of a contract strategy and a detailed stage-out schedule for the implementation of the Project. Preparation of analytical materials with logistic aspects and timeframe for the drilling Project of the North-Veninsky gas condensate field and development of draft contract for drilling ERD wells. Performance of contract works on the preparation of the Tender documentation, organization and holding Tender procedures, Tender evaluation and preparation of Evaluation report Organization support during Technical audit of Drilling Units at the stage of summarizing the results of International Tender, preparation of materials for technical and commercial negotiations with Drilling Contractors, compilation and analysis of all the obtained results taking into account the data of technical audit, development of final recommendations on choice of Drilling Contractor, development Draft of the Letter of Intent. Technical and organizational assistance in implementation of a series of arrangements, that are necessary for accomplishment of tender procedures of International Tender on choosing of a Drilling contractor.
Venineft LLC,
2012-2014 Russia

Selection of offshore drilling rig and drilling contractor for construction of exploration-appraisal wells located in the Pechora Sea
Development of technical specifications for offshore drilling rig in accordance with Customer’s drilling goals, getting Customer’s approval of the specifications. Development of contract strategy. Carrying out of tender on drilling contractor for RN-Shelf Arctic LLC.
RN-Shelf Arctic LLC,
2013-2014 Russia

Development of tender on the right to enter into concession agreement on financing, construction and maintenance of the 15 – 58 km segment of the Moscow – Saint Petersburg Toll Highway
Provision of technical consultancy in holding comprehensive examination of Design documentation, coordination of General contractor selection, agreeing on the main provisions of general contract for participation in open tender for the right to enter into concession agreement on financing, construction and maintenance of the sections 7 and 8 of 543 – 684 km segment of the Moscow – Saint Petersburg Toll Highway on a paid basis.
2013 Russia

Consulting services aimed at assisting in development of tender documentation and holding of tenders on Feasibility study and Investment feasibility
Development of tender documentation sections and carrying out of tenders on preparation of Feasibility study and Investment feasibility on Angaro-Lenskoye gas condensate field development project, including wells drilling, field infrastructure development, construction of a gas pipeline and Gas Processing Facilities with a capacity of 5 bln m3. Decision on composition of FS, FEED, Investment feasibility, Design documentation. Identification of requirements to an engineering company in terms of development of FEED and design documentation, requirements to EPC contractor. Development of tender documentation sections for selection of engineering company. Carrying out of tender. Preparation of an evaluation report. Determination of the tender winner.
Petromir LLC,
2013 Russia

Studying market of potential contractors on construction of wells in marine fields with a view to involve them into tender on request for proposals under construction of Kirinskiy GCF production wells
Marketing research, preparation of list with potential tender participants – “long list”. Preparation of prequalification documents in the form of invitations to submit expressions of interest in Russian and in English, invitations being prepared on the basis of Drilling program and Customer’s requirements to general contractor. Organization and carrying out of prequalification. Analysis of participants’ tenders. Preparation of Prequalification report. Compilation of qualified participants list – “short list”.
Gazprom dobycha shelf LLC,
2012 Russia

Development of asset management regulations and of business planning system
Development and getting approval of document structure and its basic principles. Development of “Regulations of asset management organization” as the high-level main document that is to determine principles, models, processes and mechanisms of the main business process and a number of managing subprocesses with a view to developing second level regulations. Getting Customer’s approval of the developed document and its further adjustment in accordance with agreeing procedure results.
Mosmek ZAO,
2012 Russia

Consulting services in carrying out tender on evaluating companies’ selection
Preparatory works. Preparation of tender documents. Publishing of Notification. Carrying out of tender. Analysis and comparison of Tenders. Preparation of Evaluation report.
OJSC Rosneftegaz,
2011 Russia

Organization and carrying out of international tender on drilling contractor selection for sea drilling project in 2012 (Sakhalin-3 project)
Marketing research with elements of prequalification (marketing research, preparation of a potential tenderers list, preparation and the mail out of address requests, preparation and getting approval of tender documentation). Organization and carrying out of tender, evaluation of tenders (the mail out of Tender documentation, receiving and evaluation of companies’ tenders, making recommendations on contract award). Preparation of the final version of the Evaluation report and of key provisions of the Intent letter with the company that won the tender.
Venineft LLC,
2011 Russia

Information and Consulting services in preparing technical specifications for drilling units to be used for drilling in Gudauta license block taking into account the geographical position, the sea and drilling depth, logistics
Preparation of analytical report on the possibility of shared using of Drilling unit (ulta-deepwater) while drilling in the Russian sector of the Black sea or its using only in the Gudauta license block.
RN-Shelf-Abkhazia LLC,
2010 Russia

Development of Standard for management of “Rosneft” Oil Company property complex
Diagnostics of the existing system of Rosneft property complex management. Development of the Standard concept sections. Development and getting approval of the Standard of Rosneft property complex management.
“Rosneft” Oil Company,
2010 Russia

Development of methodological guidelines regulating criteria for including Rosneft subsidiaries in the list of the key subsidiaries
Development of the introductory provisions (introduction, goals, objectives, the scope, basic terms and definitions etc.) in accordance with the Rosneft intercompany standards. Development of methodical guidelines regulating criteria for including Rosneft subsidiaries in the list of the key subsidiaries. Development of the final clauses (recording of amendments to the governing documents, reference list etc.) in accordance with the Rosneft intercompany standards.
“Rosneft” Oil Company,
2010 Russia

Consulting services in developing regulations for conducting tenders on selection of Vostok-Energy LLC counterparties
Development of Algorithm applied for tender documents preparation, its agreeing on and getting approval of as well as for performing tender procedures taking into account the authority of the General director, Board of Directors and the General meeting of shareholders. Development of regulation for conducting tenders on selection of Vostok-Energy LLC counterparties. Development of the provision on the Treaty Tender Commission. Development of the provision on the Expert Working Group.
Vostok-Energy LLC,
2010 Russia

Preparation of engineering and economical calculations for development of the northern part of the Veninskaya group of the Veninsky block structures
Identification of options for development and infrastructure development of North-Veni field and adjacent prospective targets. Development of concepts for production and products transportation. Marketing research of needs and sales opportunity in the region. Evaluation of economic efficiency concerning development of the northern part of the Veninskaya group of the Veninsky block structures when employing different conceptual models and development conditions.
Venineft LLC,
2009 Russia

Organization of carrying out of international tender on drilling contractor selection for sea drilling project in 2010 at the Veninsky block (Sakhalin-3 project)
Marketing researches and preparation of prequalification: marketing researches, making up and getting approval of the “long list”, preparation and getting approval of prequalification documents. Preparation of main sections of tender documents. Organization and carrying out of prequalification selection. Organization and carrying out of the tender, evaluation of tenders.
Venineft LLC,
2009 Russia

Assistance in developing the optimal towards the value increase strategic model of mobile business organization for OJSC Sibirtelecom
Analysis and evaluation of options for institutional and legal framework of telecommunication companies Analysis of structures of Russian telecommunication companies providing mobile services. Analysis of structures of international telecommunication companies providing mobile services. Analysis of structures of telecommunication companies providing fixed communications services. Detailed analysis of structures of telecommunication companies, the structures being singled out in accordance with business areas. Comparison of possible options of institutional and legal model for mobile business. Research of division of functions, authorities and liabilities concerned with the establishment of the Management company.
2008 Russia

Consulting services in carrying out tender on selection of audit organization with a view to conducting the OJSC Rosneftegaz statutory audit in 2008
Preparatory works. Preparation of tender documents. Publishing of Notification. Carrying out of tender. Analysis and comparison of Tenders. Preparation of Evaluation report.
OJSC Rosneftegaz,
2008 Russia

Contractor works in carrying out international tender on drilling contractor selection for exploration drilling (Sakhalin-3 project, Veninsky block)
Preparation of the tender. Preparation of basic documents for the tendering committee, carrying out of prequalification selection, preparation of tender documentation. Holding of pre-tender conference. Opening of tenders, evaluation of tenders. Assistance in negotiations with the winner.
Venineft LLC,
2007 Russia

Assistance in conducting OJSC Rosneftegaz audit of 2007
Development of plan and schedule for tender conduction. Preparation and publishing of notice of invitation to tender. Provision of assistance to the Customer in receiving and registering audit firms’ applications. Processing of the received applications and carrying out of preliminary selection. Forming and approval of “short” list of tenderers. Assistance in preparing documents to ensure tender procedure regulations including development of drafts of the following documents: Regulation on the tender, Regulation on the tender committee, Order on creation of the Tender committee etc. Provision of assistance to the Customer in receiving and registering audit firms’ tenders. Preparation of and participating in committee meetings. Technical ensuring of tender committee work, preparation of drafts of minutes of meeting and working materials, drawing up final documents. Assistance in preparing evaluation tables and participation in evaluation of technical and financial tenders. Preparation of evaluation report draft and recommendations on selection of the tender winner.
OJSC Rosneftegaz,
2007 Russia

Assistance in preparing requests for tender on construction and installation activities, supply of goods, work and services
Provision of personnel for technical and organizational assistance in preparation of requests for tender and/or bids for tenders on construction and installation activities execution, supply of goods, work and services. Organization of efficient work of Customer’s structural subdivisions during the process of participating in tender on construction and installation activities execution, supply of goods, work and services.
OJSC Bamo-Float-Glass,
2006 Russia

Supporting package of documents for obtaining the permit of border and customs control in the airport of Okha city
Inspection of technical condition of the equipment that is to provide control over the border and customs when the Russian state border is crossed by foreign residents. Consulting work in the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (Federal Air Transport Agency) on the choice of the best mechanism for applying Russian Government to get Decision on the opening the Russian state border crossing point at the Okha airport. Organization of work with the local authorities on getting their approval and support in terms of the opening of border crossing point at the Okha airport. Organization of work with the federal authorities on getting their approval of the draft of the Decision on the opening the Russian state border crossing point at the Okha airport. Organization of the legal (consulting) support while getting approvals at RF ministries and agencies in the case of disagreement.
CJSC Elvary Neftegaz,
2006 Russia

Organization of tender on Development and introduction of new filling stations design and work clothes for Rosneft” Oil Company
Preparatory works. Preparation of tender documents. Carrying out of tender. Evaluation of tenders.
“Rosneft” Oil Company,
2006 Russia

Project on Pipelines and Export Terminal Construction (Sakhalin I Project frameworks)
In collaboration with Saipem company - preparation of construction bidding for 300 km onshore pipeline D610 mm, 20 km offshore pipeline and sea terminal in De-Kastri.
Assistance at various stages, complex negotiations, establishment of administrative, financial management system and cooperation strategy for the entire project, key personnel arrangements for implementation unit; general management and coordination of the Russian part of bidding preparation activities including planning and project implementation scheduling ; assistance in construction works technical specifications development, Bill of Quantities and management system; preparation of technical and commercial proposals, contract draft working out, conducting negotiations with counterparts on consortium foundation issues .
Vostochnaya Stroitelinaya Company LLC,
2002 Russia

Komsomolsky Oil Refinery Reconstruction Project
Complex reconstruction including procurement equipment of power-generation unit with 80 mw capacity, slow coking, water purification and sulfur production, reconstruction of ELOU-AVT-3 plant aimed at up to 5 mln ton per year production increase
Assistance in preparation and conduction of open international and limited competitive bidding procedures for turnkey construction and equipment supply including preparation of tender documentation, technical specifications and Bill of Quantities; asistance in technical proposals evaluation and priced bids comparison including report preparation, contract draft working out and negotiations with contractors.
“Rosneft” Oil Company,
2000-2003 Russia

Project on Business-Planning Management System Development for "Rosneft" Oil Company
Improvement of management system and decision-making procedures based on key parameters of company performance; preparation of structure and content of report forms and approval of data and parameters (indices) list; development of PC Software block-structure, and user interface drafting for Financial and Economic Modelling.
2003-2004 Russia

Project on Immovable Property Valuation Complexes for "Rosneft" Oil Company
Provision of consulting services on immovable property objects inventory and valuation services.
Preparation activities, data collection, investigation and final valuation of market value; results evaluation, comments and recommendations on property utilization issues.
RN-Perspective LLC,
2003 Russia

Naryan-Mar Construction Project: Hotel and Business Centre Facilities
Development and formulation of general concepts for building construction, assistance in Project Implementation Schedule development including critical milestones; establishment of construction management and stage implementation monitoring system; preparation of document packages for conducting competition for selection architect project and for engineering and consulting companies selection on tender basis.
The administration of Nenets Autonomous District, SeverConsult-Invest,
2000 Russia

Project on Procurement and Administration Management System Improvement for International Investment Bank
Establishment of tender-based procurement system for large-scale investment projects. Development of close control and monitoring system for utilization and maintenance of office facilities and equipment expenditures minimization.
Revision of current procurement and contracts award procedures, general contract conditions and obligations; establishment of planning and tender-based procurement system; preparation of Procurement Manual, conduction of pilot competitive biddings including preparation of tender documentation, evaluation reports and contract drafts; assistance in compilation of standard contract packages and agreements, contract negotiations with suppliers; assistance in personnel training on procurement and contract administration.
International Investment Bank,
1999 Russia

Project on Balanced Score Cards System Development of Oil Company "Rosneft"
Development and formulation concept for making decision based on Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and Balanced Score Cards (BSC).
Development of Key Performance Indicators system; establishment of the the Strategy map and development of Company Strategic objectives for 10 years (up to 2013); development the Company Financial and Economic Models determining key performance indicators with the international oil prices as input.
RN-Perspective LLC,
2003-2004 Russia

Turnkey project for construction building facilities of Rosneft and municipal objects in Moscow
Entire office area is about 40000 m2
Development and formulation of general concepts for construction works, and timetable for project preparation and implementation; assistance in preparation and conducting of international competitive bidding procedure for primary contractor selection, including shortlist preparation and approval; preparation of tender documents, technical specifications and Bill of Quantities; technical and commercial proposals evaluation including report preparation and contract draft working out.
”Rosneft” Oil Company,
2002 Russia

Project on Warehouse and Logistic Management System Development for "Rosneft" Oil Company
Current warehouse and logistic facilities inventory including plans and maps drafting, overall system analysis; development and formulation of concepts of warehousing system improvement; planning and scheduling of pilot project implementation activities; technical assistance and administration.
RN-Perspective LLC,
2001 Russia

Oil Company "Rosneft" Strategy Development Project
Assistance in oil sector analysis, formulation of trends, priorities and strategic concepts for international and domestic market development; provision of consulting services for elaboration and formulation of the Company corporate and functional strategies.
2000 Russia

Organization of Bidding for Construction of Trade Center in Tiumen City
Analysis of existing information and project documentation, development of tender plan and schedule, preparation and publication of bidding notification, preparation of technical part of tender documentation, including technical specifications, customer requirements, work spreadsheet, list of required equipment, main plans and designs. Development of contract draft, tender documentation preparation and distribution among potential bidding participants, organization and conduction of bidding procedures, assessment of proposals, preparation of the assessment report and recommendations on contract conferring.
BusinessStroyAlliance LLC,
2004 Russia

Project of Ecological Equipment Procurement for Monitoring Pollution of Taz River
Organization and conduction of tender bidding for procurement of ecological monitoring equipment to control pollution of Taz river by enterprises of oil and gas sector, tender documentation working out, preparation of technical specifications and scope of work register, participation in technical and financial assessment, preparation of assessment reports and contract drafts, participation in further negotiations with the winner.
Babtie International Ltd.,
2004 Russia

Provision of Construction Audit for Trade Center MEGA at Nijnii Novgorod
Assistance in key personnel mobilization, subsidiary personnel hiring, organization of work at the construction site. Daily monitoring over work conduction on the site, coordination of construction schedule, calculation and progress documentation for separate scopes of work, participation in meetings and technical consultations on the site. Reception, registration and storage of working and implementation designs and material samples. Control over quality and time limits regarding to customer (IKEA) requirements, control over maintenance of accident prevention and environmental standards observance, assistance to technical audit inspectors on the site, participation in coordination of equipment, construction and finishing materials with the customer. Preparation and provision of weekly progress reports for the customer, confirmation of work completion for monthly payments.
2005 Russia

Consulting Services on Tender Documentation Preparation and Procurement Plan Structuring for Kurmangazy Project
Expertise of tender documentation on service procurement and Technical project development for exploratory well No.2 on Kurmangazy structure and revision of Technical project for exploratory well No.2 construction, including EIA and Emergency Oil Spill Liquidation Plans, coordination, expertise and follow-on monitoring of exploratory wells No.1 and 2 on Kurmangazy structure. Supervisor service procurement for exploratory wells No.1 and 2 on Kurmangazy structure, Service procurement for engineering-geological research (EGR) including EIA, expertise and coordination of EGR and EIA for Kurmangazy structure, preparation of remarks and proposals on tender documentation corrections. Working out JSC "RN-Kazakhstan" key positions in negotiation processes, development of basic document package for years 2005-2006 for Kurmangazy project.
RN-Kazakhstan LLC,
2005-2006 Russia

Development of regulatory framework sections and package of documents on centralizing tender work
Development of principles and mechanism for searching new contractors, monitoring and efficiency evaluation of contractors’ activity. Development of criteria for evaluation of tenders’ efficiency. Development of procedural rules for evaluation of tenders’ efficiency. Development of guide on the procedural rules and procedure of prequalification of contractors. Development of procedural rules on making tender and contractor’s selection decisions.
CJSC Audit firm “The Center for business consulting and audit”,
2007 Russia

Assistance in improving the tender procurement system and services of oil company
Analysis of international and Russian practices of carrying out tender procurement in terms of its applying at the oil company. Assistance in developing recommendation on making the tender procurement system more efficient.
CJSC Audit firm “The Center for business consulting and audit”,
2007 Russia

Development of marketing strategy for “Central directorate for maintaining and repairing freight cars”, a branch of JSC Russian Railways (CDRV OJSC “RZD”)
Marketing research of the CDRV CJS “RZD” internal state. Research of thematic markets and submarkets. Development of marketing strategy till 2010. Development of marketing plan till 2010. Modeling business processes of the Marketing service. Development of organizational and functional structure of the Marketing service. Development of model provisions for the Marketing service subdivisions. Development of job descriptions of the Marketing service’s employees. Development of time-schedule for establishment of Marketing service.
OJSC Russian Railways (“RZD”),
2007 Russia

Elaboration of development strategy till 2017 for OJSC Karacharovo Mechanical Factory
Examination of the factory’s current condition. Analysis of the company’s long- and medium-term development plans. Analysis of the current condition of the competitive companies. Multivariative analysis of the acquired information. Determination of strategic priorities in development. Preparation of the internal “Red book” of the company’s development strategy till 2017 for the management and shareholders.
OJSC Karacharovo Mechanical Factory,
2007 Russia

Establishment of the Association of elevator equipment and jack units manufacturers
Development of incorporation documents. Development of statutory, procedural and institutional documents. Assistance in Association members’ agreeing on all the documents. Assistance in registering the Association at registration chamber. Assistance in organizational arrangements. Legal support at establishing the Association. Assistance in obtaining authorization for usage of the words “Russia” and “Russian Federation” in company name (Government of the Russian Federation, Decree No743 of December 8, 2005 “On the measures for organization of RF Government’s making decision provided by the Decree No2355-1 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of February 14, 1992 that introduces the procedure for using words “Russia” and Russian Federation” in companies’ names).
OJSC Karacharovo Mechanical Factory,
2007 Russia

Organization of carrying out international tender on selection of general contractor for exploration drilling (West Kamchatka shelf Project, Kamchatneftegaz LLC)
Marketing research with elements of prequalification (marketing research, preparation of a potential tenderers list, preparation and mail out of address requests, preparation and getting approval of Tender documentation). Preparation and carrying out of international tender. Preparation of basic documents for the tendering committee, carrying out of prequalification selection, preparation of tender documentation. Holding of pre-tender conference. Opening of tenders, evaluation of tenders. Assistance in negotiations with the winner.
Kamchatneftegaz LLC,
2006 Russia

Development of the Novosibirsk air transport hub on the basis of the Novosibirsk International Airport (“Tolmachevo”), Novosibirsk Oblast, town of Ob
Elaboration of an integrated business plan for the “Development of Novosibirsk air transport hub on the basis of the Tolmachevo international airport” Project (consolidated document). Development of an integrated financial model of the Project. Development of business plans and financial models on separate Project components.
Obermeyer Consult LLC,
2006 Russia

Assistance in developing the optimal towards the value increase strategic model of mobile business organization for OJSC Sibirtelecom
Analysis and evaluation of options for institutional and legal framework of telecommunication companies Analysis of structures of Russian telecommunication companies providing mobile services. Analysis of structures of international telecommunication companies providing mobile services. Analysis of structures of telecommunication companies providing fixed communications services. Detailed analysis of structures of telecommunication companies, the structures being singled out in accordance with business areas. Comparison of possible options of institutional and legal model for mobile business. Research of division of functions, authorities and liabilities concerned with the establishment of the Management company.
2008 Russia

Development of marketing strategy for “Central directorate for maintaining and repairing freight cars”, a branch of JSC Russian Railways (CDRV OJSC “RZD”)
Marketing research of the CDRV CJS “RZD” internal state. Research of thematic markets and submarkets. Development of marketing strategy till 2010. Development of marketing plan till 2010. Modeling business processes of the Marketing service. Development of organizational and functional structure of the Marketing service. Development of model provisions for the Marketing service subdivisions. Development of job descriptions of the Marketing service’s employees. Development of time-schedule for establishment of Marketing service.
OJSC Russian Railways (“RZD”),
2007 Russia

Assist in monitoring the Rosneft development implementation and development of the medium-term strategy
Analysis of the main results of Rosneft development strategy implementation in 2000-2004 on the basis of the key performance indicators system. Analysis of the Company's external and internal environment, definition of business development prospects, SWOT analysis. Formation of the revised strategic goals of Company’s development till 2013. Financial modeling and assessment of the strategic goals adequacy.
RN-Perspective LLC,
2005 Russia

Elaboration of development strategy for the VMC Group
Elaboration of development strategy for the VMC Group. Development of a simulated financial model. Development of set of actions on improving the budgeting and controlling system. Definition of the task on automation of the management accounting system and methodological support of the software introduction.
CJSC “Financial and Industrial Group VMS”,
2002 Russia

Elaboration of development strategy for Vostochnaya Stroitelinaya Company LLC
Development of concept for company establishment, elaboration of development strategy. Design of the company , forming its organizational structure and number of stuff. Preparation of governing documents’ drafts.
Vostochnaya Stroitelinaya Company LLC,
2002 Russia

Definition of the Silurian-Devonian deposits development concept in the Prirazlomnoye field (within the framework of civil law contracts with key employees)
Development of requirements for stationary and mobile drilling complexes based on the well design. Analysis of modular and land drilling rigs available on the market, selection of optimal drilling rigs. Assessment of the configuration and weight and size characteristics of stationary and mobile drilling complexes. Assessment of the cost of drilling Silurian-Devonian deposits wells in the Prirazlomnoye field using mobile and stationary drilling complexes.
Morneftegazproject LLC (Gazprom Neft Shelf LLC),
2020 Russia

Assessment of opportunities and limitations for exploration drilling in the Yuzhno-Obskiy license area and in other areas of the of the Obsko-Tazovskaya bay shallow water zone
Analysis of the world experience of drilling in shallow water using stationary and mobile solutions (artificial islands, jack-up rigs, technical and jack-up pontoons, swamp and tender barges, mobile caissons). Analysis of stationary and mobile solutions applicability for exploration drilling in the Yuzhno-Obskiy license area. Elaboration of scenarios for exploration drilling in the Yuzhno-Obskiy license area using stationary and mobile solutions at a depth of 2.5-8 meters. Feasibility study of exploration drilling scenarios in the Yuzhno-Obskiy license area using stationary and mobile solutions, incl. elaboration of logistic schemes, composition and rental rates of the supply fleet, development of exploration drilling schedules, risk assessment, development of a calculation model and calculation of capital costs for the implementation of the exploration drilling project. Technical and economic comparison of technical solutions and scenarios for the production and development of the license areas and fields of the Obsko-Tazovskaya Bay, incl. assistance in the development of a parametric model and calculation of capital costs for the implementation of the exploration drilling project.
Morneftegazproject LLC (Gazprom Neft Shelf LLC),
2019-2020 Russia

Increasing the cost estimation accuracy of the North-Veni gas condensate field development up to class 2 AACEI and development of the technical sections for EPC contract tender documents
Preparation of requests for quotation and receipt of commercial offers for oilfield services and equipment required for the ERD wells construction in the North-Veni gas condensate field. Increasing the cost estimation accuracy of the North-Veni gas condensate field development up to 2d-3d AACEI class. Updating of the 2d-3d AACEI class cost estimate. Analysis of approaches and principles for expert analysis of prices declared by the RFQ procedure participants and recommended in evaluation reports. Cost estimation within the 2d AACEI class. Development of structure and content of the technical sections for EPC contract tender documents.
Venineft LLC,
2017-2018 Russia

Development of Implementation Strategy for North-Veni GCF development Project, of consolidated reporting forms and updating of the previously developed functional strategies
Analysis of the documents on Project Management for the “Infrastructure development” component (Feasibility Study, Pilot Work, Basis for Design, etc.) and the “Development” component (Technical Development Scheme, Drilling Program, Well Completion Program, etc.), shareholders' local normative document, including Sinopec DMS system and the best international practices in managing investment projects. Development of the «Project Implementation Strategy», «Project Implementation Status», «Project target schedule» and a package of reporting forms for the Project Participants on the progress of the Project and its individual components that meet the principles of "Report on one page". Updating the previously developed functional strategies ("Contract Strategy”, "Organizational Strategy", “Procurement Strategy”). Development of the "Communication and information exchange management plan for the Project" and "Key project risk register and measures of risk reduction”. Development of a conceptual Plan for the Implementation of the "Development" stage. Elaboration of the detailed Project Management Scheme, preparation of the Project Implementation Unit Structure draft of the “Elaboration” stage.
Venineft LLC,
2017 Russia

Organization and carrying out of international Tender on selection of an engineering Company for developing of FEED and Design documents on infrastructure development of North-Veni gas-condensate field (GCF)
Preparatory works (analysis and systematization of the customer’s primary data and materials, development of a concept of carrying out of Tender, Preparation of a detailed schedule of Tender carrying out, investigation of engineering companies’ market, development of requirements to the composition and content of the Tender documents package, preparation of a “long” list, preparation of a documents package for an expression of interest Request, bringing the developed expression of interest Request in accord with the customer). Preparation of a “short” list, Terms of reference and the full package of tender documentation on development of FEED and design documents. Carrying out of tender procedures. Receiving of tenders and preparation of evaluation report. Development of efficient contract management scheme jointly with Engineering company. Technical and organizational assistance in registering international Tender results, formalizing relations with the contractor and developing concept of IT-component.
Venineft LLC,
2015-2016 Russia

Working out of main provisions of the Gazpromneft-Sakhalin LLC development strategy
Shaping of main goals and tasks of Gazprom-Sakhalin LLC development strategy. Overview of the current Gazpromnef-Sakhalin LLC activity on the shelf. Analysis of the external and internal constraints that influence Gazpromneft-Sakhalin LLC activity. Analysis of its competitive advantages in offshore projects implementation. Making up recommendations in compliance with the conducted analysis. Preparation of proposals on the main directions of Gazpromneft-Sakhalin LLC development strategy. Forming up of report «Main provisions of Gazpromneft-Sakhalin development strategy».
Gazpromneft-Sakhalin LLC,
2015-2016 Russia

Preparation and holding of activities related to selection Drilling Contractor for construction of 3-4 ERD wells with an expansion to 12000 -13000 meters with a view to develop offshore gas condensate field, “Sakhalin-3” project (Veninsky block).
Marketing researches of drilling units, drilling contractor companies, leasing companies, integrator companies, service companies. Preparation and getting approval of Request for expression of interest (RFEOI), organization and carrying out of Prequalification. Preparation and getting approval of Organizational Development Concept. Preparation of a Concept and Technical Assignment for arrangement and further holding of international tender for drilling contractor selection.
Development of a contract strategy and a detailed stage-out schedule for the implementation of the Project. Preparation of analytical materials with logistic aspects and timeframe for the drilling Project of the North-Veninsky gas condensate field and development of draft contract for drilling ERD wells. Performance of contract works on the preparation of the Tender documentation, organization and holding Tender procedures, Tender evaluation and preparation of Evaluation report Organization support during Technical audit of Drilling Units at the stage of summarizing the results of International Tender, preparation of materials for technical and commercial negotiations with Drilling Contractors, compilation and analysis of all the obtained results taking into account the data of technical audit, development of final recommendations on choice of Drilling Contractor, development Draft of the Letter of Intent. Technical and organizational assistance in implementation of a series of arrangements, that are necessary for accomplishment of tender procedures of International Tender on choosing of a Drilling contractor.
Venineft LLC,
2012-2014 Russia

Selection of offshore drilling rig and drilling contractor for construction of exploration-appraisal wells located in the Pechora Sea
Development of technical specifications for offshore drilling rig in accordance with Customer’s drilling goals, getting Customer’s approval of the specifications. Development of contract strategy. Carrying out of tender on drilling contractor for RN-Shelf Arctic LLC.
RN-Shelf Arctic LLC,
2013-2014 Russia

Studying market of potential contractors on construction of wells in marine fields with a view to involve them into tender on request for proposals under construction of Kirinskiy GCF production wells
Marketing research, preparation of list with potential tender participants – “long list”. Preparation of prequalification documents in the form of invitations to submit expressions of interest in Russian and in English, invitations being prepared on the basis of Drilling program and Customer’s requirements to general contractor. Organization and carrying out of prequalification. Analysis of participants’ tenders. Preparation of Prequalification report. Compilation of qualified participants list – “short list”.
Gazprom dobycha shelf LLC,
2012 Russia

Organization and carrying out of international tender on drilling contractor selection for sea drilling project in 2012 (Sakhalin-3 project)
Marketing research with elements of prequalification (marketing research, preparation of a potential tenderers list, preparation and the mail out of address requests, preparation and getting approval of tender documentation). Organization and carrying out of tender, evaluation of tenders (the mail out of Tender documentation, receiving and evaluation of companies’ tenders, making recommendations on contract award). Preparation of the final version of the Evaluation report and of key provisions of the Intent letter with the company that won the tender.
Venineft LLC,
2011 Russia

Information and Consulting services in preparing technical specifications for drilling units to be used for drilling in Gudauta license block taking into account the geographical position, the sea and drilling depth, logistics
Preparation of analytical report on the possibility of shared using of Drilling unit (ulta-deepwater) while drilling in the Russian sector of the Black sea or its using only in the Gudauta license block.
RN-Shelf-Abkhazia LLC,
2010 Russia

Consulting services in developing regulations for conducting tenders on selection of Vostok-Energy LLC counterparties
Development of Algorithm applied for tender documents preparation, its agreeing on and getting approval of as well as for performing tender procedures taking into account the authority of the General director, Board of Directors and the General meeting of shareholders. Development of regulation for conducting tenders on selection of Vostok-Energy LLC counterparties. Development of the provision on the Treaty Tender Commission. Development of the provision on the Expert Working Group.
Vostok-Energy LLC,
2010 Russia

Preparation of engineering and economical calculations for development of the northern part of the Veninskaya group of the Veninsky block structures
Identification of options for development and infrastructure development of North-Veni field and adjacent prospective targets. Development of concepts for production and products transportation. Marketing research of needs and sales opportunity in the region. Evaluation of economic efficiency concerning development of the northern part of the Veninskaya group of the Veninsky block structures when employing different conceptual models and development conditions.
Venineft LLC,
2009 Russia

Organization of carrying out of international tender on drilling contractor selection for sea drilling project in 2010 at the Veninsky block (Sakhalin-3 project)
Marketing researches and preparation of prequalification: marketing researches, making up and getting approval of the “long list”, preparation and getting approval of prequalification documents. Preparation of main sections of tender documents. Organization and carrying out of prequalification selection. Organization and carrying out of the tender, evaluation of tenders.
Venineft LLC,
2009 Russia

Preparation, organization and carrying out of tenderers prequalification on selection of drilling contractor for exploratory wells drilling on the Tuapse license area projects (Tuapse license area of “Rosneft” Oil Company) and the West Black Sea license area (the West Black Sea license area of Val Shatsky LLC)
Marketing research, preparation of a potential tenderers “long” list. Preparation of prequalification documents in the form of expression of interest Request in Russian and in Egnlish based on the drilling program and Customer’s requirements to Drilling rigs. Organization and carrying out of Prequalification. Evaluation of tenders. Preparation of the Evaluation report. Compilation of qualified participants list – “short list”. Organization and carrying out of international Tender on drilling contractor selection. Assistance in negotiations with the winner.
RN-Shelf-South LLC,
2008 Russia

Contractor works in carrying out international tender on drilling contractor selection for exploration drilling (Sakhalin-3 project, Veninsky block)
Preparation of the tender. Preparation of basic documents for the tendering committee, carrying out of prequalification selection, preparation of tender documentation. Holding of pre-tender conference. Opening of tenders, evaluation of tenders. Assistance in negotiations with the winner.
Venineft LLC,
2007 Russia

Supporting package of documents for obtaining the permit of border and customs control in the airport of Okha city
Inspection of technical condition of the equipment that is to provide control over the border and customs when the Russian state border is crossed by foreign residents. Consulting work in the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (Federal Air Transport Agency) on the choice of the best mechanism for applying Russian Government to get Decision on the opening the Russian state border crossing point at the Okha airport. Organization of work with the local authorities on getting their approval and support in terms of the opening of border crossing point at the Okha airport. Organization of work with the federal authorities on getting their approval of the draft of the Decision on the opening the Russian state border crossing point at the Okha airport. Organization of the legal (consulting) support while getting approvals at RF ministries and agencies in the case of disagreement.
CJSC Elvary Neftegaz,
2006 Russia

Organization of carrying out international tender on selection of general contractor for exploration drilling (West Kamchatka shelf Project, Kamchatneftegaz LLC)
Marketing research with elements of prequalification (marketing research, preparation of a potential tenderers list, preparation and mail out of address requests, preparation and getting approval of Tender documentation). Preparation and carrying out of international tender. Preparation of basic documents for the tendering committee, carrying out of prequalification selection, preparation of tender documentation. Holding of pre-tender conference. Opening of tenders, evaluation of tenders. Assistance in negotiations with the winner.
Kamchatneftegaz LLC,
2006 Russia

Consulting Services on Tender Documentation Preparation and Procurement Plan Structuring for Kurmangazy Project
Expertise of tender documentation on service procurement and Technical project development for exploratory well No.2 on Kurmangazy structure and revision of Technical project for exploratory well No.2 construction, including EIA and Emergency Oil Spill Liquidation Plans, coordination, expertise and follow-on monitoring of exploratory wells No.1 and 2 on Kurmangazy structure. Supervisor service procurement for exploratory wells No.1 and 2 on Kurmangazy structure, Service procurement for engineering-geological research (EGR) including EIA, expertise and coordination of EGR and EIA for Kurmangazy structure, preparation of remarks and proposals on tender documentation corrections. Working out JSC "RN-Kazakhstan" key positions in negotiation processes, development of basic document package for years 2005-2006 for Kurmangazy project.
2005-2006 Russia

Project on Pipelines and Export Terminal Construction (Sakhalin I Project frameworks)
In collaboration with Saipem company - preparation of construction bidding for 300 km onshore pipeline D610 mm, 20 km offshore pipeline and sea terminal in De-Kastri.
Фssistance at various stages, complex negotiations, establishment of administrative, financial management system and cooperation strategy for the entire project, key personnel arrangements for implementation unit; general management and coordination of the Russian part of bidding preparation activities including planning and project implementation scheduling ; assistance in construction works technical specifications development, Bill of Quantities and management system; preparation of technical and commercial proposals, contract draft working out, conducting negotiations with counterparts on consortium foundation issues .
Vostochnaya Stroitelinaya Company LLC,
2002 Russia