The total export volume of ARCO and Novy Port crude oil produced by Gazprom Neft in the Russian Arctic has reached 50 million tons since 2013. The consignment, shipped at the end of April from the Umba floating storage facility in the Kola Bay, was delivered to consumers in northwestern Europe. Gazprom Neft supplies European consumers with 50 million tonnes of Arctic oil grades ARCO and Novy Port
The accumulated export volume of Arctic oil is comparable to the capacity of 1.5 million tank trucks, the total length of which exceeds the length of the Arctic Circle - 16 thousand km.
In 2020, the company expanded its traditional European routes by supplying oil from the Novoportovskoye field to Chinese partners for the first time. Gazprom Neft intends to further develop supplies of ARCO and Novy Port oil to the Asia-Pacific region, the world's largest oil consumption center.
For the year-round sea export of oil from the Arctic fields, the company has organized a unique transport and logistics scheme. The Novy Port variety is shipped through the Gates of the Arctic oil terminal in the Gulf of Ob. ARCO oil is shipped from the Prirazlomnaya platform located in the Barents Sea at a distance of 60 kilometers from the mainland. Oil delivery to the road transshipment complex "Umba" is carried out by tankers of enhanced ice class. Piloting of vessels is provided by modern icebreakers "Andrey Vilkitsky" and "Alexander Sannikov". Traffic control is provided by the digital Captain system developed by Gazprom Neft specialists.